For all bare boat charters we require a pre paid security deposit.
This deposit can be paid either per bank (Euro) transfer or by credit card (NOK) in base.
Deposit by cash is not accepted.
Deposit prices: 
Monohull 33 – 51 feet mainland: € 2.500
Catamaran: € 6.000
Monohull Svalbard: € 5.500
Bank information:
Boreal Yachting AS,
Postboks 4107, Kvaløysletta,
9280 TROMSØ.
IBAN: NO74 4729 5017 372
Bank Name: Sparebank 1 Nord Norge, P.O.Box 6800, N-9298 Tromsø, Norway
Payment by card in base will be conducted in NOK and is handled as a normal transaction not a reservation.
Boreal Yachting is not responsible for any bankfees or exchangerates that may apply.